Explanation Text and Procedur Text

A.  Prosedur text

How To Make The Chicken

 Ingredients :
·         1/4 chicken
·         2 packs of my flour
·         Cooking oil

Intructions / steps :
·         Wash chicken thoroughly, then cut into small pieces of chicken, but not too small.

·         Prepare the wet and dry flour mixture. Then add the chicken pieces to the wet flour mixture first, then blend it into the dry flour.

·         Heat cooking oil for a while, if it's hot chicken pok pok ready to be fried. Fry until the color is brown, do not get burnt and do not often flip through the fried.

·         If everything is fried, remove and drain. Then served

B.   Explanation text
Chicken with the Latin name g. Gallus domesticus is a two-legged creature belonging to a fowl. Chickens have become the fare of man and have even replaced proteins. One of them is grouping chicken into a snack which is chicken pok? Here's how a chicken pok pok is made. First, clean the chicken, cut it, then beat it to a slight amount, set aside. After that, add the seasoning, and add salt & a little water to the flour. Next, stock the chicken in flour & fry with oil soaked to chocolate & gold paint, thyriskan. Lastly, chicken poo is ready to be served while it's warm

C.   Explanation Text Vs Procedur Text

Expalnation text explain how something happens that is a natural phenomenon in from of a description with general statement and sequenced. while the procedure text explain how to make something, taht explain the ingredients and the steps

Photos in making the chicken pok pok


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